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Florida Law Recommends Acupuncture Before Opioids

During the 2019 legislative session, Florida's legislators mandated that the Florida Department of Health issue an informational pamphlet for doctors to give their patients about the alternatives available for pain management. Acupuncture, as provided by a Licensed Acupuncturist under FS457, is included in this information, along with other licensed providers that are not typically included in a patient care plan. Although the description should have included how Florida Statute 457 defines Acupuncture as a form of Primary Healthcare, we understand that this is first step. What they included was the broader national definition; which is very watered down from the full scope of the practice that licensed providers are trained in as required by Florida law. However, we are excited to see this major step towards inclusion in patient healthcare; and look forward to seeing more of this type of policy making in the future. Seeing positive changes like this in our standard of care in Florida will continue to make Florida one of the best places to live, work and play. Now let's get some insurance coverage so everyone can benefit from this amazing system of medicine and it's unique diagnostic methods that can provide a diagnosis, even if lab tests are normal.

This was copied from the DOH website:

"The Non-Opioid Alternatives Law Aims to Help Health Care Providers and Patients

Starting July 1, 2019, all health care providers must include non-opioid alternatives for pain and pain management in their discussions about pain treatments with their patients Florida Statute 456.44 (7) before providing anesthesia, or prescribing, ordering, dispensing or administering a schedule II controlled substance for the treatment of pain."

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