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Florida Legislative Update

Ramon Maury (Society Lobbyist) Dr. Mary Riggin and Senator Arron Bean

Florida’s legislative session is almost over! I love the quote

“No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” The title quote is generally attributed to either Mark Twain or Gideon J. Tucker.

Folks, this is more true now than it was when written. We have a few weeks left and it’s looking good; so far. However, you never know what can happen last minute, when it seems no-one may be looking. So, we stay awake and alert until the very end.

This year, the PTs have been quiet about DN - and I believe that’s due to our years of fighting this fight with all organizations coming together under the same message - acupuncture is a full scope primary care medicine that cannot be learned by a few weekend courses. In Florida; we enjoy primary care status. This is part of what makes our practice act in FL - the law that regulates and licenses acupuncture - one of the best in the country!

Even though DN (dry needling) doesn’t seem to be a problem, there are always issues that come up where FS 457 (acupuncture law) gets ignored.

One current issue is legislation regarding diabetes education, and restrictions on working with diabetics. We are completely left out. And getting it amended to include 457 doesn't look good. Fortunately, this bill isn’t moving too well, but we will be watching for future bills of this nature to not “cut us out” or ignore FS 457 as a licensed form of primary healthcare.

A good piece of legislation that I was really excited about - it dealt with restricting food entitlements so you couldn’t use the EBT card for candy and soda - got killed “dead” by special interest groups.

Another is regarding a complete repeal of PIP. The proposed law is about changing the state to “bodily injury” and has a medpay component for hospital treatment and getting acupuncture included, is in the works.

All Florida professional associations are working closely together to make sure all licensees are protected, and all Floridians can maintain their access to our full scope practice.

Keep up your involvement and memberships! It all works together to help make Florida the best place to live and practice medicine.

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